
Showing posts from December, 2023
               Address of UKM Shape---Huang JingKai December 09, 2023 About UKM Shape: Successful executives and managers around the world are realizing that higher education is no longer an option. Various initiatives are already underway to promote work-while-you-study programs. The approach taken by PKP can be described as a repackaging of the existing UKM program into a program that is more in line with the Malaysian workforce requirements. Formal sessions are conducted only in the evenings or on weekends so as not to interfere with participants' work obligations. However, in most cases, the total duration of our programs is quite similar to that of a full-time student, e.g. 3 to 4 years for an undergraduate degree and 1½ to 2½ years for a postgraduate degree. I registered as a undergraduate in UKM shape, opened my learning road in UKM, I am very grateful to the staff in UKM shape. After my registration, I had a delicious dessert in the UKM Shape restaurant, chocolate mousse wh
 My experience at UKM---Huang JingKai December 09, 2023 During my 2 months in UKM, I had a experience that happened on the golf course, that originally was a really bit thing, but I still felt warmth. It was a sunny afternoon, my classmate and I on the way to the golf club, I wanted to try the sport, which I assumed was a sport for people who enjoyed long walks and the occasional swing. Little did I know that my golfing aspirations would soon be replaced by more pressing adventures. As we known, it rains a lot in Malaysia. It suddenly rained when I walked across the campus. In the beginning, we all did not care about the rain, but unfortunately I fell down because I did not pay attention to wet floor, then it is hurt me ankle. I was promptly whisked away to the college infirmary, where I met a nurse with a sense of humor as robust as her medical skills. As she tended to my ankle, she regaled me with tales of college students who had found themselves in the infirmary for reasons ranging
Address of UKM KIZ(Ibu Zain)---Yang JiZhen   Do you know UKM student housing?That's right, KIZ(Ibu Zain).Why here? Because just a few days ago I left here, where I have so many memories from when I came to Malaysia until now.   Here is not only a beautiful environment, for me to bring me a lot of convenience. For example, the place to eat is very close to the place to stay, a two-minute walk. Here I ate something I had never tasted before. His experience was different from the food he had eaten in China.It was also my first stop in Malaysia.So this place is full of memories for me.   I have also made a lot of different friends here, there are versatile people, but also you are very caring and tolerant people.Maybe they were just a passer-by in my life, but they brought me a lot of joy.We sing together, study together, play together, eat together...These wonderful things are many, many things, but these things happen because of KIZ.So this place is filled not only with good memories
  My experience at UKM --- Yang JiZhen My name is Yang Jizhen, the first time I came to UKM, the first feeling is that it is very beautiful and vast. There are many buildings here, beautiful and magnificent.Because I just came to this strange environment, so I have a feeling of both excitement and fear. The reason for the excitement is my curiosity about the various buildings here and their uses. But it is also the reason why there are so many buildings that I am afraid of getting lost.As soon as I arrived here, I checked into KIZ, where I had my first place to live in Malaysia, and also tasted the food that was different from my hometown. It gave me a wonderful feeling, very delicious but different from what I had eaten before. It was a different experience for me, but the most amazing thing was that I could see the monkeys from KIZ. In the eyes of Chinese children, one superhero is the Monkey King, so when I saw several monkeys, I immediately thought of the Monkey King in the Chinese
Personal profile---YangJiZhen  My name is Yang Jizhen. I come from Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, one of the five autonomous regions in China.There are many Muslim people here,and I am one of them. This place is very famous, in history is the main road of the "Silk Road", known as "the Yangtze River" reputation.Because it is not only beautiful scenery, but also a lot of tempting food. It is also known as the land of fish and rice, with both agriculture and aquaculture, and it has both the prosperity of the city and the peaceful home of the countryside. After a brief introduction of my hometown, let's talk about me. I am not a very cheerful student, and I may feel awkward when getting along with others. However, after a long contact, you will find that I am actually a humorous person.It's just that I'm a slow burner.I am also a person who is eager to acquire knowledge but not good at communication, because this character makes me afraid of communicating w
  Personal profile---Huang JingKai December 09 2023 My name is Huang JingKai, and I am very happy to see you all here today. I am from Shenzhen where is so vibrant and fast-paced that it is like living in the middle of a never-ending technology exhibition. If you have never been there, imagine a city where people eat dim sum for breakfast until lunch time.  Growing up in Shenzhen, a city know for rapid innovation, it is not as same as Guangzhou which has a deep Cantonese culture. How fast the pace of life in Shenzhen, the first will be reflected in the travel, compared to other cities, Shenzhen taxis and buses can let you feel what is a roller coaster. No matter how crowded the roads are, Shenzhen drivers can always find space to let cars cross freely. Especially in market, there is no corner to stand on. But this has also led to the rapid development of Shenzhen, many of corporations take a fancy to Shenzhen efficiency, willing to invest in Shenzhen. I'm just a native from Shenzhe

Address of UKM library—Shang Zihan

The Universiti Nasional Malaysia Library (UKM) was established in conjunction with the establishment of Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia in Lembah Pantai, Kuala Lumpur in 1970. It includes the main library and its four branches. The main library, named Tun Seri Lanang Library, is located in the main campus area of Bangi, while the four branch libraries are Malay World and Civilization Library (Bangi), Law Library (Bangi), Abdul Latiff Medical Library (Kuala Lumpur) and Kebangsaan Malaysia Medical Centre Library (Cheras). The Tun Seri Lanang Library covers an area of 220,000 sq ft, with a 10,000 sq ft Malay World and Civilisation Library, 24,600 sq ft law Library, 40,000 sq ft Abdul Latiff Medical Library and 20,000 sq ft HUKM Library. As of 31 December 2010, the total collection of UKM Libraries was 1,468,519 volumes, including books, periodicals and media items. The collection of 732,675 volumes contains books and periodicals from the Tun Seri Lanang Library, 53,455 from the Malay World

My experience at UKM --- Shang Zihan

My name is Shang Zihan. Recalling my few days in Malaysia, I feel both excited and surprised. What impresses me most is the experience in my school. The first thing that impressed me about the school was that it was very big and very beautiful. If I didn't know it was a school, I would think it was a scenic spot.One thing that impressed me very deeply was that I saw a monkey on campus. In China, I usually only see monkeys in zoo. On the first day I went to the golf course with my upperclassman. It was the first time  played golf in my life. Although I didn't hit a ball, I still found it very interesting.  After playing golf I went to the school's Chinese restaurant called Hot meal bar.I went to eat beef noodles, which originated from my hometown, and I also ate lamb kebabs, which suited me very well, because I was not used to the local food. But I believe there are many more local cuisines waiting for me to discover in Malaysia. The next day I went to FEP. On the fourth flo

Personal profile--- Shang Zihan

我叫商子涵。  我来自河北省唐山市 。 您以前可能从未听说过这座城市,因为它在世界上并不是一个非常著名的城市。 唐山是中国河北省的重要城市。 位于京津冀地区东岸,是河北省经济、文化、交通中心之一。 它以其丰富的工业历史和文化遗产而闻名于世。 唐山曾经是中国重要的工业城市,尤其是钢铁工业的中心。 然而,1976年的地震对这座城市造成了巨大的破坏。 地震造成巨大人员伤亡和财产损失,但通过不懈努力和全国人民的支持,唐山人民重建了这座城市,并逐步恢复了繁荣。 现在我们来谈谈我吧。 我是一个性格开朗、活泼的人。 所以我非常喜欢运动,尤其是足球。 说到足球,这是我最喜欢的地方之一。 而且我是梅西的粉丝。 当你想看足球比赛时,随时欢迎你加入我。 顺便说一句,我一直是球队的守门员。 如果你有一场足球比赛,别忘了给我打电话。 我的另一个爱好是看电影。 我确实看过数百部电影和数千集美国电视剧。 如果你也是电影迷,你可以通过 Whatsup 联系我,我相信我们有很多东西可以讨论。 或者你可以每周六来我家,因为那是我的“电影马拉松日”,这意味着我整天看电影。