Personal profile---Huang JingKai

December 09 2023

My name is Huang JingKai, and I am very happy to see you all here today. I am from Shenzhen where is so vibrant and fast-paced that it is like living in the middle of a never-ending technology exhibition. If you have never been there, imagine a city where people eat dim sum for breakfast until lunch time. 

Growing up in Shenzhen, a city know for rapid innovation, it is not as same as Guangzhou which has a deep Cantonese culture. How fast the pace of life in Shenzhen, the first will be reflected in the travel, compared to other cities, Shenzhen taxis and buses can let you feel what is a roller coaster. No matter how crowded the roads are, Shenzhen drivers can always find space to let cars cross freely. Especially in market, there is no corner to stand on. But this has also led to the rapid development of Shenzhen, many of corporations take a fancy to Shenzhen efficiency, willing to invest in Shenzhen.

I'm just a native from Shenzhen who loves basketball, likes to laugh and likes to meet new people. I believe that every friendship starts with a simple greeting, so take this as my greeting. I look forward to meeting you all, laughing together, maybe playing basketball and making some unforgettable memories.


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