Address of UKM KIZ(Ibu Zain)---Yang JiZhen

  Do you know UKM student housing?That's right, KIZ(Ibu Zain).Why here? Because just a few days ago I left here, where I have so many memories from when I came to Malaysia until now.

  Here is not only a beautiful environment, for me to bring me a lot of convenience. For example, the place to eat is very close to the place to stay, a two-minute walk. Here I ate something I had never tasted before. His experience was different from the food he had eaten in China.It was also my first stop in Malaysia.So this place is full of memories for me.
  I have also made a lot of different friends here, there are versatile people, but also you are very caring and tolerant people.Maybe they were just a passer-by in my life, but they brought me a lot of joy.We sing together, study together, play together, eat together...These wonderful things are many, many things, but these things happen because of KIZ.So this place is filled not only with good memories, but also with our friendship.

  I remember the day I left, my friends helped me carry my luggage, and they also gave me many blessings and gifts, because I could only live here for one semester, so I had to leave here in advance to find another place to live.
  The night before we left, we cooked our last hot pot together at KIZ .Looking back, it seems like it was yesterday.


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