My experience at UKM --- Shang Zihan

My name is Shang Zihan. Recalling my few days in Malaysia, I feel both excited and surprised. What impresses me most is the experience in my school.The first thing that impressed me about the school was that it was very big and very beautiful. If I didn't know it was a school, I would think it was a scenic spot.One thing that impressed me very deeply was that I saw a monkey on campus. In China, I usually only see monkeys in zoo.

On the first day I went to the golf course with my upperclassman. It was the first time played golf in my life. Although I didn't hit a ball, I still found it very interesting.  After playing golf I went to the school's Chinese restaurant called Hot meal bar.I went to eat beef noodles, which originated from my hometown, and I also ate lamb kebabs, which suited me very well, because I was not used to the local food. But I believe there are many more local cuisines waiting for me to discover in Malaysia.

The next day I went to FEP. On the fourth floor of the college I found the teacher who helped the students choose their courses. Ask the teacher to help me add lessons. After that I went to the school library. The library looks very tall. Outside the library, I saw students coming and going and felt the strong academic atmosphere of the school.

 That was my experience at UKM.



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